Saturday, October 16, 2010

Amber Lynn In Free My Friends Hot Mom

From the distance in a corner

Man is there with God too narrow. He wants to go out into the distance. The standards of God him close. He seeks the freedom and breaks away from God. He lost the paradise, the succor of God. Ultimately, he found himself in the deadly desert expanse of the world again, and now has all the freedom to die. He is responsible, but also himself revealed. So the man finds behind the bars of fear and greed, unfulfilment and solitude again. God made the birds down, no cages. But the man who breaks free from God, is found as a fear of sick bird back in the cage of his own little world. Before this cage gleefully caught the threat to our life lurks in the form of a fat cat that draws us out of the cage with the words: "You have probably fear of freedom"

So we hit on two fronts. The sense of security with God, we will exchange with the cage of our fear. And out of the cage of our fear is only the way in the safe destruction. And we call that a free life! The connection to the eternal, great, living God is allegedly restrict the life. And the deadly loneliness in the cage of our self is supposed to be freedom.

"We all went astray, each to his own way. But the Lord laid on Him the iniquity of us all! "
(Isaiah 53:6)
(Axel Kühner)


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